Frame Makeovers and Photo Collage 

I have been having so much fun decorating my new place since the move. The kitchen is done, at least for now, as is the bathroom; my bedroom is well underway and I am tackling the kids room this coming weekend. The living room, however, still seemed bare and blah! I’ve got the basics down- a couch, loveseat, TV unit, and coffee and end table set that blend, as well as throw pillows, but the walls were still bare. I’ve been wanting to put up some family photos on the walls but didn’t have frames and couldn’t find any that were both a) what I liked and b) affordable. 

So, I did what I always do when looking for something I need on a tight budget- hit up the thrift stores, in this case, Value Village. While many of the items at Value Village, particularly their clothing ($7.99 for a used tshirt from WalMart that was only $10 new!) are outrageously priced, I find that a lot of their home decor isn’t. For example I found a set of curtains there for my living room for $9.99 and the brown faux suede shower curtain I now have in my bathroom for $6.99.  I was happy to find that frames were decently priced as well and found a huge supply of them in all sizes and all wood which made for easier makeover.  

I purchased 26 wooden frames for a total of $24- a steal!!


In hindsight, spray painting would have been much faster, however, it would have also cost more. Instead I used basic craft paint in deep red which I already had on hand (bonus!). 

 And then I used black paint marker and a damp rag to distress…. 

 Followed by a coat and sealer. 

The wooden LOVE letters were a yard sale find for $4. They were originally white (I forgot to take a before picture but you get the idea!) and I gave them a coat of black paint  which, again, I already had on hand. 

And the finished project….drum roll please…..  

 I know, some frames are a little squish. I’m still in the process of adjusting 🙂 

So, 26 frames and 3 days later, my living room is now closer to completion……

And I do not want to see another picture frame, like, ever!! Kidding, kidding. Yes, it was time consuming but so worth it in the end. I love my photo wall! 

Until next time… 


Thrift Store Find….by My Son!

Today my teenage son had the afternoon off of school. Report cards had come out last week and this afternoon were parent/teachers…not a pleasant day for this Mama who is the mother of a rock star teenager who has no interest in school whatsoever except for the weekly band practices that takes place there..but that’s a whole other story!

During his afternoon off him and his Grandma took a walk to the thrift store which is just minutes from our house. It’s a small thrift store and doesn’t often have any great finds but today he hit the vintage jackpot with this beauty…..

I taught him well, no? He loves all things vintage as well as his Mom and was super excited when he found this. The bottom had been taken off but luckily it was still in the case that came with it and in minutes he had it reassembled!

My love for writing really took form when I was 13 and my parents gave me a typewriter for passing grade 8. It was tradition to buy us (my sister Melissa and 8) a nice gift when we did well at the end of each school year. I was ecstatic when my gift was a Brother 3000 typewriter and pounded away on that thing constantly. I would sit in my bed late into the night typing away, creating fictitious people and stories who’s lives I became engrossed in. Dad would call out to me “Melinda, you got that woodpecker going again tonight” but would never make me put it away and go to sleep.

It was many years later before that typewriter was closed up for the last time as I upgraded to a computer, but I still have it today.

I would love to get the typewriter that my son found today up and running, but realistically I know it probably won’t happen. However it will be a lovely decorative piece, and even if we can’t use it, it sure is lovely to look at.

Until next time….

Saturday with My Son

Don’t you just love days that start out typical and, after some random spur-of-the-moment change of plans, turn out great?! Well, that’s just the type of day I had! 

My youngest son, Kaleb, had a sleepover last night and his buddy was spending the day so, after sleeping in this morning, Keenan and I decided to spend the day together on a mini road trip.

Our travels took us east, to a town about a 40 minute drive away, and our first stop was, of course, the Goodwill centre. Keenan has adopted a love of bargain hunting from his Mama over the years! 

After browsing through books and clothes and shoes (I have a shoe obsession!) we began sorting through the selection of housewares and Keenan spotted this lamp right away.

“Mom you could definitely do something with this!” 

So, $3 later we were loading it in the back seat of our car. 

Later this week I am going to take it apart and give the glass a good cleaning. Then I will decide its makeover fate!

It has these crystals hanging from it but as you can see, 1 set is missing so I am going to hit up the internet in search of some new ones to change it up a little!

After our brief Goodwill shopping trip we drove to what we call “our house”. We have no idea who owns it and we have never actually been inside of it, but we both fell totally and completely in love with it after accidentally coming across it last summer. Since that time we’ve driven by several times just to sit and sigh and stare at our dream home!

Isn’t it something?  


A  girl (and her son) can dream I suppose.

Afterwards, there wasn’t much to see or do so we headed back towards home, but instead of going home, we drove on past the turn off that takes us towards our small town blip on the map and drove west towards the closest thing our rural part of Newfoundland has to a city.

Can you guess where our first stop was? Yup, Goodwill. It was the same centre where I had found the toy box earlier this week so I wasn’t expected to find much. I did, however, find this wooden….thing! I am not sure what it is, but I love working with wood and just knew I could make it into something fabulous!

So, $2 later it joined the pretty lamp in the back seat of our car! 

From there we went to the music store-Keenan’s favourite store in the entire world- where he picked up a few a few things he needed and browsed around at the selection of guitars and keyboards, which is the next instrument he is hoping to learn to play. I wish I had half of his natural musical talent. He can pick up anything and just learn!

Next on our road trip was a quick stop at WalMart for Romeo (aka Keenan) to do some shopping for his Juliet (aka Taylor-his girlfriend since 9th grade!) for Valentines Day. We then finished our day off with supper at McDonalds! 

Silly boy…..

And that was my Saturday with my son. I couldn’t really afford a road trip, and certainly not a shopping trip, today but when your teenage son wants to spend the day with you….how can a Mom afford not to 🙂

Until next time….

Goodwill Finds

There is nothing I love more than a good before and after, and I have created quite a few myself over the years. I love to hunt for makeover treasures at Goodwill and thrift stores, as well as yard sales during the Summer months. Yesterday my mother and I visited Goodwill and I found an awesome makeover project for just $8!! Check it out!!

I have no idea what I am going to do with it just yet. Maybe a kids toy box, or a boot box and bench. I haven’t decided and before I do I will go to the holy grail of inspiration and ideas- Pinterest! I have the app on my phone and have filled it with great craft, decorating, and wood working projects. If you would like to follow me on Pinterest here is the link 

I also found these wooden candle sticks at Goodwill for just a buck, and again, I haven’t decided what I am doing with them just yet and will turn to my trusted source of inspiration for all things great and small- Pinterest! 

Until Next Time….